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TechSmith Camtasia Studio 7.0.1 build 57 Portable
[         ·(247 Мб) · ] 22.03.2009, 02:31
    TechSmith Camtasia Studio 7.0.1 build 57 Portable

                                                       Набор мощных утилит для записи изображения с экрана в видеофайлы различных форматов. Это лучшее решение для подготовки видео-презентаций и интерактивных учебных курсов по работе с компьютерными программами. Решение компании TechSmith позволяет создавать видеоматериалы профессионального качества и публиковать их в наиболее распространенных форматах и на любых носителях, не прибегая к помощи профессиональных программистов и специалистов по созданию мультимедийной продукции.

Camtasia Studio не требовательна к ресурсам, проста в работе – достаточно выбрать область захвата и нажать "горячую клавишу". По нажатию другой горячей клавиши выключается и предлагает сохранить видео. Имеется возможность редактирования видео, есть встроенные Macromedia Flash (SWF) и видео проигрыватели. Camtasia захватывает действия и звуки в любой части Windows-систем и сохраняет в файл стандарта AVI.

Сделанное при помощи Camtasia Studio видео можно экспортировать в один из поддерживаемых программой форматов - AVI, SWF, FLV, MOV, WMV, RM, GIF, CAMV. Кроме того, на основе любого видео может быть скомпилирован исполнительный exe-файл, который будет содержать встроенный проигрыватель.

Camtasia Studio позволяет накладывать ряд эффектов, умеет работать с отдельными кадрами, облегчает запись, редактирование и публикацию полученных материалов, которые могут использоваться для тренировки, образования, дистанционного обучения, решений технической поддержки, демонстраций продукта, торговых презентаций и т.д. Дополнительные средства редактирования аудиоматериалов аудио помогут без труда удалить фоновые шумы и обеспечить единый уровень звука.

Реализованная поддержка форматов портативных мультимедиа-проигрывателей (в том числе M4V for iPod) позволит донести создаваемые материалы до максимально широкой аудитории. А благодаря возможности одновременного создания нескольких файлов, авторы смогут записать один и тот же ролик в различных форматах (Flash, iPod, MP3, PowerPoint и др.). Пакет включает: Camtasia Recorder, Camtasia Player, Camtasia Audio Editor, Camtasia MenuMaker, Camtasia Theater.

- Точная запись происходящего на экране, включая запись веб-камеры, звука, системных звуков и т.д.
- Добавление множества визуальных эффектов
- Предварительное представление записанного
- Добавление, вырезание, соединение и разрезание видео-клипов
- Добавление и редактирование аудио
- Добавление выразительности
- Универсальные функции публикации
- Сохранение готового видео в форматах AVI, SWF, FLV, MOV, WMV, RM, GIF и CAMV
- И множество других функций

     Camtasia Studio is the complete professional solution for recording, editing and sharing high-quality screen video on the Web, CD-ROM and portable media players, including iPod. With support for a variety of video standards, you can ensure your content delivery now and in the future.
Easily record your screen, PowerPoint, multiple audio tracks, and webcam video to create compelling training videos, screencasts, and presentations without ever leaving your desk. With the power of interactive Camtasia Studio videos, you can deliver high-quality content anytime, to even your most remote audience.

With the smartest screen recording tools on the planet, Camtasia Studio makes everything from training videos to PowerPoint presentations to lectures look better, reach more people, and pack more punch. Which makes you look even smarter, too.

• Record Anything
Easily create training, demonstrations, presentations, online courses... the possibilities are endless. Connect with your audience by including screen recordings, audio, voice narration, PowerPoint, Picture-in-Picture and webcam video.

• Edit and Enhance
Edit and enhance your video with callouts, titles, credits, zooming, panning, quizzes and additional audio tracks. Camtasia Studio's extensive editing options are at your fingertips.

• Share
Publish in Flash, QuickTime and a variety of video formats, then share on the Web, CD or DVD. You can use the Production Wizard to assist you in choosing the best format and settings for sharing with your audience, or you can have complete control over audio and video codecs and quality, frame rate, color depth, and inclusion or exclusion of special effects.

Что нового в 7.0.1 build 57:

Fixed an issue that would cause the silent uninstall option to hang at the point of uninstalling the Library
Fixed an issue that would cause an Error: \"The procedure entry pointCamSetAudioLoopback could not be located message during installation
Added links in the Help file to related videos hosted on
Added links in the Help file to related PDF documents hosted on
Updated the Get help with Camtasia Studio 7 help page

Camtasia Studio:
Fixed an issue with the background color selected during production not showing up properly in the produced output
Fixed an issue that would cause different results in Voice Narration from audio track 1 to audio track 2
Fixed an issue with shorter duration recordings with the same name that could cause a corrupt .camproj file
Fixed an issue that would cause a Produce Selection As... action to not have correct Table of Contents locations in the produced video
Fixed an issue that would cause premature ending of clips when using the split at markers option and producing to the FLV file format
Fixed an issue that would cause productions to to have incorrect dimensions
Fixed an issue that could cause productions to fail before completion or cause Camtasia Studio to crash during production
Fixed an issue that would cause problems with Cursor Effects sound effects and multiple files based on markers in production
Fixed an issue with Cursor Effects that would cause strange artifacts in the user interface or cause Camtasia Studio to crash
Fixed an issue that would cause the cursor to be out of sync with the video when using the Clip Speed effect
Fixed an issue that would cause an incorrect cursor to be displayed when using a color depth setting lower than 32-bit
Fixed an issue that could cause a \"No Codec\" error message when some DirectShow filters are not properly registered on the system
Fixed an issue that could cause a clip to be moved on the timeline when selecting multiple clips with the shift key
Fixed an issue that could cause audio clips to overlap on the timeline when adjusting the duration of a title clip
Fixed an issue that could cause the audio playback to not properly show the correct timeline information from the Voice Narration view
Fixed an issue in batch production that would indicate that files do not have audio even though they do
Improved some error messaging about unnecessary characters when uploading to during production
Fixed an issue that would cause produced file sizes to be larger in version 7 than they were in previous versions when using the MP4 file format
Fixed an issue that would cause non-admin users get a No Codec error when using MP3 files from the Library
Fixed an issue that would cause projects with many callouts to fail during production

Camtasia Recorder:
Fixed an issue that would cause the incorrect help topic to be displayed for the hotkeys and program options in the Tools window
Fixed an issue that would cause Camtasia Recorder to crash when stopping a recording
Fixed an issue that would cause a Resource Allocation Failed message
Fixed an issue that would cause an Audio file open failed message when ending a recording

Активация: не требуется (Portable)
Язык интерфейса: english
Формат файла: rar (5% на восстановление)
Платформа/ОС: Windows 2000 / XP / Vista / 7
Размер (RAR): 247 Мб

Зеркало  Скачать TechSmith Camtasia Studio 7.0.1 build 57 Portable с

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Добавлено: 22.03.2009 в 02:31 ()

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